Open Letter to The Galactics
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2009 Image of Moon Sized Galactic Biosphere Near Sun |
Dear Galactics,
We know you are there and have been there for many years. We know you got a Star Trek "Prime Directive" non-interference thing unless you get a request from this planet. We get that. And we thank you for your courtesy and consideration. Its a good deal more polite than the buggers that were here for the last 6000 years who have been running the show much to our detriment.
However, our governments have had 60 years to get the people up to speed on you guys and they have utterly failed and sand bag even now to give the people the straight scoop. See they lied for 60 years, and they don't know how to admit they lied. So that's a bit of a Catch 22 you and us have to work around.
80% of Americans believe UFOs are a reality. Sure our corporate owned TV news people still ridicule such things, but since the Iraq war, none of us believe TV news anymore anyway. They blew their credibility long ago. We thank them for showing us very clearly who they really work for, the contrast is complete and utterly clear, its bankers, defense companies and pharmaceutical companies. None of which really have our health and well being upper most in mind.
I propose that you can do something for us, to help us do our thing, The One People, and it will speed things along.
One of the issues we face is constant meddling with our emails, delaying them for hours sometimes, intercepting and jamming our chat, voice and video conferencing, especially internationally. This costs us countless hours of delay and frustration. Those who claim to rule to preserve freedom are actively trying to stop freedom.
The Czechoslovakian peaceful "Velvet Revolution" overthrow of communism led by Václav Havel was quite a remarkable event in 1989, and might be a model of how we can proceed. Initially a low tech affair, copies of playwright Václav Havel writings on freedom and human rights were photocopied and mimeographed covertly and passed person to person and was quite effective in organizing a ground base of popular support for what need to be done to free the country from communist tyranny. Yet, it was a slow process and involved much manual labor.
The Internet as we have it now was not in place 1989, hard to imagine I
know, but being an older computer user, that's the way it was back then.
Sheesh... I am really dating myself as an old fart now aren't I?
I remember reading in one of the computer trade magazines of that time
that some mysterious gentlemen from Japan showed up in Prague with
suitcases of computer modems which they distributed freely. It was a
simple move, and not that expensive really, and they plugged into
already existing computers. Ad-hoc networks were quickly established
using computer bulletin board systems over existing telephone lines and
that greatly sped up the pace of change during the Velvet Revolution.
It was one of the most peaceful changes in government the world has
ever seen.
Our task is similar, but its not so much governments that we have a beef
with, its private corporations operating under the guise of the
people's governments. And they are as corrupt as the communists were.
Here's what we need, and we know you have the technical expertise, I've
already received Galactic emails and I know you interface to our
Internet. You can reply through our GFL liaison person who you already
put in contact with us. We know who they are.
Our Internet is just a bastardization of what exists in the Galaxy, just
not as fancy. But still pretty useful. Here's a few items that I
think you could provide that would help in the interim:
1) WIFI adapters that interface through your etheric networks to your
high speed backbone connections into our Internet (yes I know our RF
based WIFI stuff is not all that healthy, but for now its a temporary
solution until we have better alternatives built into our computers,
smart phones and tablet devices. These adapters should use class B, C, N
and AC wireless ethernet protocols, universally accepted by this
planet's computing devices. We'd like to bypass some Rothschild owned
middle men.
2) Point to Point Personal communication devices that
bypass terrestrial phone systems. Surely you must have some sort of
quantum phone thingy right? The capability to act as terrestial WIFI
hot spot would be useful, so perhaps item 1) above can be folded into
Item 2). HBO is optional. :)
3) Reliable video conferencing and voice chat capability, hosted on your
servers and secured by you, connected to our Internet and accessible
from our Internet. Un-hackable and uncrackable. Face it, Facebook
sucks. And they censor.
4) Short notice point to point earth transportation. Just let us know what protocol to use with you.
Now if this violates any Galactic non-interference thing, we can have
Heather write up a little UCC waiver for all applicable dimensions that
free you from any liability and karmic consequences of this request. We
promise we won't sue in Galactic court.
Your friendly Galactic little brothers and sisters on earth.
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