My BEautiful Si*STAR* Bea shared her story from this morning about her & her son's dreams & about letting her son read theUV Exchange Announcement!!! WOW:
Here's Bea's dream from last weekend:
Last night, in my dream state, or maybe the real-reality state, you and I were saying Good Bye to someone who was not in physicality anymore, just a sphere of bright milky light, that was hugging us through sparks of that light, engulfing us in a type of LOVE that I cannot and will not even try to find words for.
I did not want to wake up. I wanted to stay in that embrace forever.
When I finally had no choice, but close my eyes over the real-reality and "woke up" here, I had a sense of mellow sadness.
Now I know that the sphere of milky light was Lois! I just KNOW IT.
This is the part about David's dream from this weekend and after:
The dream was so powerful you should have seen his face!!!
He said "I have to share with you"
Then once he finished talking about how he was on the beach in Kauai sitting on a rock this lady with short brownish-red hair approached him
She said to him "you have to come back Nick, we are all part if the big whole but since you left a part was missing (and he got the impression if him being the shoulder, the shoulder was missing). You have to come back to Lemuria. Come back Nick!"
Then she said: "let me show you something. I have to go get it. I'll be right back."
Then he woke up.
I said to him, "David I have a feeling, hold on!"
So I brought up on my phone Lois' picture and I wanted to asked him if it looked familiar.
I didn't have time to ask it he pointed at the pic and said THAT'S HER!!!
"Without the glasses but that's her"
"Mom, you're freaking me out, who is she? And how did you know?"
So I told him.
And I gave him the IM doc ready to hear him say it's hard to understand.
Just wondering if Lois did not touch David (my 15 years old son) with her featherless wings through their dream encounter...
I just gave David (my 15 years old son) the I M UV EXCHANGE document to read and asked him to allow his heart to read it rather than his mind.
Within 2 min if reading it he exclaimed!
"This is written in code! Is the undoing (decoding) of the Matrix that holds a simple Absolute Truth!
It is so simple to understand!!
First page is all about how we BE and second about how the BEing of BE, DO (or DOES)"
I said:" you didn't even have time to read the whole document! How did you get that, that fast?"
"Mom, David replied, you don't have to read it all, the code is in the bold letters only. Read the bold words out loud and you will get it too!"
I did and it does make sense.
Now he came to me and he said he feels so different, like a blindfold has been lifted off his Heart and he now "sees", but there's a different type of "seeing", that he can't find the words to explain.
What a day has been for us so far!!!!
Also he doesn't know Heather or much about her, just heard me mentioning her name on the Skype calls, but he said this:
"The person who wrote this is, for us to understand our Neo and Morpheus and Trinity together.
Here are Heathers comments combined:
From Bea:
Just wondering if Lois did not touch David (my 15 years old son) with her featherless wings through their dream encounter...
I just gave David the I M UV EXCHANGE document to read and asked him to allow his heart to read it rather than his mind.
Within 2 min if reading it he exclaimed!
"This is written in code! Is the undoing (decoding) of the Matrix that holds a simple Absolute Truth!
It is so simple to understand!!
First page is all about how we BE and second about how the BEing of BE, DO (or DOES)"
I said:" you didn't even have time to read the whole document! How did you get that, that fast?"
"Mom, David replied, you don't have to read it all, the code is in the bold letters only. Read the bold words out loud and you will get it too!"
I did and it does make sense.
Now he came to me and he said he feels so different, like a blindfold has been lifted off his Heart and he now "sees", but there's a different type of "seeing", that he can't find the words to explain.
What a day has been for us so far!!!!
Also he doesn't know Heather or much about her, just heard me mentioning her name on the Skype calls, but he said this:
"The person who wrote this is, for us to understand our Neo and Morpheus and Trinity together.
DAVID, you BE ETERNAL ESSENCE embodied, and by your free will conscious choice and action you DID KNOW, RECEIVE, ACCEPT, and RECONFIRM the loving gift of ABSOLUTE DATA, ABSOLUTE TRUTH, and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE within each embodiment, ETERNAL ESSENCE CONSCIOUS.
I love you, David. (heart) I have been floating in the love of your BE'ing and DO'ing ALL day...I wasn't sure, until this moment, which embodiment DID it ;)....and yes, Lois, IS with you...your Mom was with her during her transition....we all had a mission to finish and IT IS DONE NOW.
Heather (music)\o/(music)
Bea...what a mom!
I love you and thank you for BE'ing and DO'ing with Lois during the transition...WHAT A DAY IN DEED!!! (heart)(inlove)(heart)
Heather: it is done... (clap);(:O(music)(heart)(music)(angel)(party)\o/(*)(sun)
Got accept the gift for it to be official, ya know? ;)(heart)
David: Heather, David here, my dream has opened my eyes to the REALity of the WORLD we live in, I SEE now what we are all meant to SEE. I AM living a different LIFE since my DREAM. I LOVE and am GRATEFUL for everything you have DONE.
As eternal essence embodied,
Heather, David again:
Lois is our Neo.
She had to GO TO the SOURCE by MAKEing the ultimate SACRIFICE.
From the SOURCE she DECODEd the MATRIX, but having LEFT the WORLD that we know she could only COMMUNICATE the new found KNOWLEDGE through an embodiment.
To do this she had to enter INTO my DREAM. When she said she has to show me something and she'll be right back she SHOWED me the deCODEd document.
Bea: If you read only the capitalized words it says it all, simply and beautiful!
Heather: and YOU BE DO'ing eternal essence!!! What a gift you have given me...I am speechless...ABSOLUTE LOVE and GRATITUDE, have expanded my existence and knowledge of love (inlove)(bow)(heart)
A repost from Removing The Shackles:
With so much Love & Light, to our Loie

A little while ago the lovely and amazing Lois (Loie) left the confines of this reality to continue her incredible work- without limits or borders.
I have such a huge amount of love for our lovely and amazing Loie - We love you Loie!! The ground crew are ready! :>)
[10:53:10 AM] HEATHER: Loie is now working absent limits (heart)- time to grow the wings, fly and DO....absent limit.
Now they have to deal with her working absent limit! NOW...I work absent limit from here...every embodiment will no longer imagine that it is a "superhero/messiah" thing...but the Absolute Truth that they can BE and DO absent limit.
AK: in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
So much LOVE & Gratitude Loie !!!!!
The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio
Understanding The OPPT
OPPT Filing Amendment What it Does in the Words of Heather Tucci-Jarraf
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