Original of this document available here:
All official documents are also available here: www.peoplestrust1776.org
AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice,
public policy, UCC 1-308, the undersigned bondservants, states of body (one
of the people), and The Public Trust, through
its duly bonded Trustees of record, UCC 1- 201(31) and (33), knowingly,
willingly, and intentionally duly issues this OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT this December
28th, in the year of our creator, Two Thousand and Twelve as
the creator lives, the following is true and correct and we are competent to
say so:
In regards to all the emails, calls, contacts and
discussions. To all the people, every one of you, who have sent emails and
called us, some of which we have been able to respond to (there are so many of
you and from all over the planet and universe!)...we want you to know that we
have received them, continue to receive them, and we do honor you and your
energy, individually and collectively. We are committed to creating and
co-creating the mechanisms and tools to honor that beautiful and powerful
energy by being available, present and transparent in order to assist all of
us, we the people of this planet, the creator's creations equally, to create
and co-create our chosen manifestations that duly are our “now”. If we forget
to address any common questions, it is not intentional, and we can and will fix
that...so here we go.
In regards to questions of how one can BE, help, or
otherwise join in manifesting the “now”. Many across the globe are currently
organizing for release the various and independent disclosures of the Truth,
the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, for absolute review, consideration,
vetting and dissection by each and every one of the people on the planet.
Please, continue to question. Continue to search, review, discuss, and dissect.
Continue to remember what you already know within. Continue to be open to
receiving and recognizing the Truth. Consciously set your intent to do so and
manifest it. This serves the highest good of all humanity, or rather in Truth,
all of creation's universe in every manifestation and existence. Anyone
standing in Truth should be willing to do so transparently, with full personal
responsibility and liability, without fear of doing so. The creator's
creations...yes, that also includes we the people of this planet...are the key,
individually or collectively, if we choose to remember...we are the power if we
choose to consciously BE by way of free will choice for all to know and rely
upon by the choices that are knowingly, willingly and intentionally made and
yet to be made. Many, many tools to assist every one of the people on the
planet to take the responsibility and liability in their own matters to
lawfully, legally and effectively preserve, protect, and use their respective
standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law aligned with common
law absent abrogation, subordination, subjugation, usurpation, violation and
invasion, are being prepared for release now so that everyone of the people may
have the opportunity to choose by free will to use them, edit them, or discard
them as they see fit...the people jointly and equally own those tools and they
have been covertly preserved (and historically moved or buried when discovered)
in the former private slavery systems used against the people of this planet.
In regards to questions about the Public Trust. This
moment of present is not about the Public Trust. However, you will have the
opportunity to know that it IS just a tool of prime, zero point, creation, that
has effectively, lawfully and legally duly reconciled the inferior legal with
the universal lawful in order to collapse the illegal fiction (sometimes
referred to as the “straw-man”) so that all that is left standing is the
Truth....what IS. Yes, in fact, actions were prudently taken to secure the
Truth of the people's position and their value in their respective self in the
covert supreme law of the lands, COMMERCE, thereby completely collapsing the
fiction of someone other than self having any position or claim to that self.
Then prudent actions were effectively, lawfully, and legally made, taken,
REGISTERED, and noticed that duly foreclosed on any and all illegal positions
the “powers that were” may have believed they had and the value they illegally
and unlawfully commandeered as a matter of record that was not theirs. Yes, it
is Truth to state the people effectively, lawfully and legally foreclosed the
fiction of self to stand in Truth and BE Truth of self! The process and actions duly made and taken
are a matter of record, and are available for anyone and everyone to review,
consider, vet and dissect at www.peoplestrust1776.org, and we do confirm that
we did them with full personal responsibility and liability under governing law
preserved under perpetuity. Yes, it is admittedly a “bunch of legal mumbo
jumbo” as one e-mailer put it. However, the people of this planet were not the
intended audience of these actions prudently taken...the former principals,
agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems were. With absolute
care and prudence, we did knowingly, willingly, and intentionally choose the
language and principles of law that were necessary to effectively, lawfully and
legally access, activate and manifest what IS, always has been...all quite
humorously forever preserved within the slavery systems and a not-so-well-known
private uniform commercial code and registry that was paid for by the people of
this planet, and therefore duly secured as their property...let someone come
forth and prove otherwise. We will gladly address any duly verified, sworn and secured
rebuttals of record. :)
In regards to questions about the Trustees and the
Advisors. This moment is also not about the Public Trust's Trustees or its
Advisors of record, for you will have the opportunity to know that each one of
us are just states of body, “we the people” of this planet, with lives,
responsibilities, experiences, and commitments to KNOWING the Truth that are
similar to your own. We understand that, for some of the people, in order to be
open to receiving information, to being open to recognizing the Truth of what
HAS happened, what IS happening, and the Truth of self, it may be required of
us to set pending choices and actions aside for a moment in present, in order
to stand and present the Truth of our self's for you to review, consider, vet
and dissect. In doing so, perhaps the individual and collective, yet in Truth,
the one energy, can then be consciously focused on what is most
important...remembering where we came from so that we know who we are in order
to BE the power, choosing to responsibly use that power, individually and
collectively as one, to manifest what IS and always has been. The people may
even discover through their exercise of responsibility the Universal Contracts
of all beings in creation's universe and the Truth that each one, regardless of
the role they have been playing, whether perceived as “good”, “bad”, “holy”,
“evil”, are committed at a higher level of conscious to the same goal and
manifestation of Truth...So, with that, we announce that each of the undersigned
will prepare and release their own document of self to the people of the
planet. We are committed to, and do practice, full and absolute disclosure of
the Truth.
In regards to questions of the amount of value. In
Truth, the value of all of the creator's universe and the creations manifested
equally and existing therein, are unlimited and priceless. During the process
of reconciling the inferior legal with the universal lawful, a sum certain
value was knowingly, willingly, and intentionally set for very specific
purposes and reasons which are, and will continue to be, further disclosed as
we the people of this planet, with all of creation's universe, responsibly
proceed in the manifestation of the “now”. The key word that everyone seems to
have missed in the statement of total value to each of the people in the first
ANNOUNCEMENT is the word “over”. Independent disclosure of the actual gold,
silver, and other metal holdings, inclusive of their location and former
custody for eons, and in some cases relocation, is forthcoming. However, the
amount of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000) in gold and silver to every state of
body, every one of the people of this planet, is correct....please, when you
have any information before you, consider recognizing and accepting that during
this incredible moment of present that is manifesting, that a lot of energy is
happening simultaneously and may cause any one of us to miss, or not “see” what
IS...including moments of present of simultaneous release of energies of old,
energy of relief, energy of excitement, energy of fear, energy of...well, there
are so many. We are committed to, and we request that each of the people are
committed to, consciously and prudently considering what IS in front of of
us...taking every moment to re-read, re-consider, discuss, dissect, assist and
meditate to resonate with the Truth of what IS, of what IS and has been in
front of us, within us at the many, many, many moments of present that are now
consciously manifesting by choice of free will consciously exercised and
In regards to questions about whether this IS real.
Yes, this IS Truth, it IS real, it IS very real, and it is a matter of
unrebuttable and unrebutted record. If we consciously review the totality of
information and data available at any given moment of present, events, the dots
begin to be visible as interdependent, as one, as the circle of Truth. By way
of a genuine choice to return energy in kind with “American Kabuki”,
“Kauilapele”, Brian, and the being calling himself “Poof” for assisting with
their energy in a majestic “symphony”, as we put it, that they may not have
been aware they were a part of, the DISCLOSURE process began. We will leave
particular Truth of moment of present to American Kabuki to reveal by record of
And in regards to questions about application and
process to access value. The people do not have to fill out forms or
applications for what is already theirs. No matter where any state of body, any
one of the people, domicil that body by choice on this planet...this is about,
and for, each of those states of body equally. The only application any one of
the people have to make is the application of making knowing, willing and
intentional choices to stand in self, in Truth, and we are here to assist with
the tools preserved in perpetuity (and in the former slavery systems) to
effectively, lawfully and legally do that. Please be patient as we prepare
those for release as soon as “humanly” :) possible, by creation and co-creation
with the energy and efforts of all of creation's universe. At this moment in
present, we do announce that the people's systems, paid for by the people, that
were unlawfully and illegally commandeered by the former principals, agents,
and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems, are in the process of being
repossessed, and in the event that is not achieved “in a twinkling of an eye”,
we are committed to creating and co-creating with any and all the people on the
planet, and creation's universe, the temporary tools and systems to make sure
that the people of this planet and all creation's universe can BE and use what
is “deposited” therein by creation to further create and co-create our “now”.
ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, December 28, 2012,
knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited
personal liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with
lawful Universal Contract, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC
Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135,
guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy
thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured,
entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected,
public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA: /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Trustee, heather@peoplestrust1776.org , phone
+12535094597 , www.peoplestrust1776.org ; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee, caleb@peoplestrust1776.org , phone
+15037810925 , www.peoplestrust1776.org ; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as Trustee, randall@peoplestrust1776.org , phone
+18088211567 , www.peoplestrust1776.org ; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as bondservant; /s/ Caleb Paul
Skinner, as bondservant; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as bondservant; /s/
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of
body; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body.

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